Preschools & schools

At the Siegerlandmuseum, preschools and schools can look forward to a wide range of offers that convey the museum's themes to children and teens in an age-appropriate way. You can choose from the history of the city, Peter Paul Rubens or the economic history of the region with a tour of the spectacular show mine - the variety of topics is wide-ranging. The programs are adapted to the core curricula so that a visit to the Siegerlandmuseum is an excellent addition to school lessons.
Primary schools in particular are offered free transport from school to the museum and back on the museum bus.
Offers for preschools
We offer the following guided tour topics (also in combination):
- The House of Nassau-Siegen and Orange-Nassau
- Rubens and his period
- Count Johann Moritz
- How our ancestors lived
- The history of the city of Siegen
- Economic history with show mine
- Special exhibition (depending on the current exhibition)
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Price: 55 euros
We are currently working on expanding our educational programs. You will soon find workshops for preschools here.
Our experienced guides will accompany you on a tour of the exhibition followed by an active part. This usually takes place in our “Ideen-Werkstatt” (creator space).
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: 75 euros
We will be happy to advise you on a guided tour on your individual preferred date. Please plan at least 2 weeks in advance.
Contact: +49 271 404 1900 or
Group size: max. 25 persons
Offers for primary schools
We offer the following guided tour topics (also in combination) :
- The House of Nassau-Siegen and Orange-Nassau
- Rubens and his period
- Count Johann Moritz
- How our ancestors lived
- The history of the city of Siegen
- Economic history with show mine
- Special exhibition (depending on the current exhibition)
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Price: 55 euros
We offer the following workshops for primary school classes:
Princes' children (from 1st grade)
Many fairy tales and stories begin with words like ‘Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess and a brave prince’. Did the people described in this way really exist and where were they found in the Siegerland? We go on a journey through time and meet someone very special at the Siegerlandmuseum. On display here are five daughters from the third marriage of William I of Orange to Charlotte of Bourbon. Daniel van den Queborn painted portraits of the little girls in their ‘Sunday dresses’. These portraits are the starting point for a workshop in which children aged between 7 and 11 learn how little princesses and princes lived in times gone by, how and what they had to learn, when and how they played. The journey to a distant world can begin. As well as exploring the advantages and disadvantages of life as a prince or princess, the children will also be making and painting. A dress-up doll is at the centre of interest.
City history (from 1st grade)
The history of the city of Siegen goes back a long way and has always been linked to the Siegberg. Is such a location on the mountain good or bad? A lot of questions can be answered on the city model and in the city history section of the museum. Also, which buildings and facilities characterise a townscape or that of the city of Siegen.
“Glück Auf!” (from 1st grade)
Wearing helmets and miner's lamps, carrying a tiffin carrier and ‘dynamite’, the children explore the traces that mining has left behind in the Siegerland. Old professions such as miner, smelter and hammersmith and their tools are explained. A tour of the museum's show mine illustrates the harsh working conditions that prevailed underground. How hard was it to work underground? Were miners perhaps also afraid? We also learn the meaning of many expressions in the miners' language. After the tour, we will take a close look at stones and make the economic history of the region tangible in a small handicraft workshop.
Biedermeier (from 3rd grade)
The early 19th century was a very special time. The upper middle classes discovered private ‘free space’ and for the first time created a designed environment with special furniture and other furnishings, including clocks and iron stoves. In this workshop, children aged 8 to 12 will discover what ‘Bummelmeier’ has to do with Biedermeier and what happened during this period. The workshop ends with poetry albums and small-scale handicrafts using paper and all kinds of other materials.
Our experienced guides will accompany you on a tour of the exhibition followed by an active part. This usually takes place in our “Ideen-Werkstatt” (creators space).
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: 75 euros
We will be happy to advise you on a guided tour on your individual preferred date. Please plan at least 2 weeks in advance.
Contact: +49 271 404 1900 or
Group size: max. 25 persons
Primary schools in Siegen and the region can book the museum bus free of charge. More information
Offers for secondary level I + II
We offer the following guided tour topics (also in combination) :
- The House of Nassau-Siegen and Orange-Nassau
Rubens and his period
Count Johann Moritz
House and home
The history of the city
Economic history with show mine
Special exhibition (depending on the current exhibition)
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Price: 55 euros
We are currently working on expanding our educational programs. You will soon find workshops for school classes of secondary level I and II here.
Our experienced guides will accompany you on a tour of the exhibition followed by an active part. This usually takes place in our “Ideen-Werkstatt” (creators space).
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: 75 euros
We will be happy to advise you on a guided tour on your individual preferred date. Please plan at least 2 weeks in advance.
Contact: +49 271 404 1900 or
Group size: max. 25 persons
A trip to the Siegerlandmuseum with the "Hübbelbummler"

In the city and region of Siegen the museum bus has been offered as a door-to-door service for primary schools since 2019. The Förderverein des Siegerlandmuseums e.V. (Friends’ Association of the Siegerlandmuseum), the city of Siegen and Sparkasse Siegen ensure that the “Hübbelbummler”, a yellow and red double-decker bus in a nostalgic design, can be used as a “museum bus” all year round.
Up to 60 school trips per year can be financed. Schools in the centre (Siegen, Freudenberg, Kreuztal, Hilchenbach, Netphen, Wilnsdorf), east (Laasphe, Berleburg, Feudingen) and south (Burbach and Neunkirchen area) are cordially invited to make use of this offer. Schools with a radius of less than 3 kilometres from the Siegerlandmuseum are excluded.
Please note that the offer explicitly refers to a combination of bus trip and museum visit.
The free trips with the Hübbelbummler can be booked using the booking form.
Please send the filled form to
The museum administration will then ensure that the bus is at the school gate on time on the desired day. Admission to the museum is free and two accompanying adults are included. On request, a guided tour or workshop can also be booked for a fee. Pick-up, visit and return journey to the starting point takes about half a day.